

Hong Yun-pyo

저자 소개

『천하무적 홍대리』 전4권. 인터넷 만화잡지 『화끈』 연재.


Born in 1967, Hong Yun-pyo studied chemical engineering (BE) at Sogang University and worked at FnC Kolon until 1997. A full-time cartoonist since 2000, he is the author of the highly popular The Unbeatable Mr. Hong, which was serially published in various comic magazines both online and offline. His other works include Every Little Bit Helps (collaboration; published by Changbi), The New Unbeatable Mr. Hong, There Is Nobody Like Mr. Hong (collaboration), Creating Peace with Cartoons (collaboration), and various cartoons published in the Internet comic magazine Hottoon. He currently lives in Angoulême, France.