

Kwon, Jeong-saeng

저자 소개

권정생(1937~2007) 일본 도쿄에서 태어나 해방 직후 우리나라로 돌아왔다. 경북 안동 일직면에서 마을 교회 종지기로 일했고, 빌뱅이 언덕 작은 흙집에서 살았다. 가난 때문에 얻은 병으로 세상을 떠나면서 인세를 어린이들에게 써달라는 유언을 남겼다. 단편동화 「강아지똥」으로 기독교아동문학상을 받았고, 「무명 저고리와 엄마」가 신춘문예에 당선되었다. 『사과나무 밭 달님』 『몽실 언니』 『바닷가 아이들』 『하느님의 눈물』 『밥데기 죽데기』 등 많은 어린이책과, 소설 『한티재 하늘』, 시집 『어머니 사시는 그 나라에는』 등을 펴냈다.


Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1937, Kwon Jeong-saeng made his debut as a writer of stories for children when his work was selected in the annual literary competition sponsored by the daily Chosun Ilbo. His works include stories for children such as The Moon over the Apple Orchard, Children by the Sea, Ddolbae Has Been to the Moon (these were published by Changbi Publishers), and Doggy Poo, essay collection Rolling Like a Heap of Dung, and poetry collection The Country Where Mother Lives. Characterized by compassion for neglected and insignificant things and people in this world, his works are all the more moving because, despite their treatment of heavy topics such as the Korean War and the ensuing national division, they recount the stories of 'little people’ with much lyricism.