

Jangcha Hyeon-sil

저자 소개

만화가. 홍익대 미술대학 동양화학과 졸업. 1997년부터 프리랜서 만화가로 활동중. 만화집으로 『색녀열전』등이 있고 인터넷 한겨레에 「현실을 봐」 연재중. 이프 「색녀열전」, 인터넷한겨레 「현실을 봐」, 세계일보 「별아이 현실엄마」, 여성신문 「작은여자 큰여자」 등, 『색녀열전』 『마님난봉가』


Born in 1964, Jangcha Hyeon-sil studied Asian painting (BFA) at Hongik University. She began to work as a freelance cartoonist with the serialization of her The Lives of Licentious Women in the feminist journal If in 1997. As a mother of a daughter with Down syndrome, she has created works on womanhood, feminism, and disability such as Mommy, Stop Doing the Lonely Thing and Let’s Eat and The Song of Lady Libertine. Jangcha has also serialized cartoons “Face the Reality,” “Starry Child and Realistic Mommy,” “Lady Deokseo,” and “Little Woman, Big Woman” in various dailies including the Hankyoreh and the Kukmin Ilbo, Segye Times, Woman Times, and Women’s News. She and her daughter have also starred in Pink Palace, a documentary on disabled people’s sexuality filmed by her partner Seo Dong-il.