

(吳榮鎭) Oh, Young-jin

저자 소개

吳榮鎭 1970년 전북 정읍에서 태어났다. 대학 재학시절 만화무크지 『봄』에 작품을 발표하면서 본격적으로 활동을 시작했다. 1995년 제1회 서울국제만화애니메이션페스티벌(SICAF) ‘피어나는 9인전’에 참가했고, 1999년 동아LG국제만화페스티벌에서 「문구점 살인사건」으로 가작을 수상했다. 2003년 『남쪽 손님』으로 SICAF 코믹어워드 특별상, 2004년 대한민국 만화대상 특별상, 2008년 프랑스 만화비평가기자협회의 아시아만화상(Prix Asie-ACBD 2008)을 수상했다. 2008~2009년 한겨레신문에 직장인 만화 『사루비아』를 연재했다. 지은 책으로 『테러리스트』 『남쪽 손님』 『사이시옷』(공저) 『평양프로젝트』 『수상한 연립주택』 등이 있다.


Born in 1970, O Yeong-jin studied architecture (BE) at Myongji University and has worked at Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO). A member of the underground comics group Comix, cartoon experiment Spring, and indie comic magazine Hysteria, he was dispatched to North Korea in 2000 as a light water reactor engineer by the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO). Based on his rare, 548-day experience in Sinpo, North Korea, and subtitled “A New Travelogue to North Korea,” comic books The Southern Guest and Unbolting the Gate humorously yet poignantly depict the abiding similarities and bridgeable differences between the Northerners and Southerners. Reflecting the changes in North Korea since the historic North-South summit talk held on June 15, 2000, these volumes are notable for their frankness and lack of prejudice. O also published “A New Travelogue to North Korea,” a sequel, on the online weekly Oh My News in 2005-2006. Recipient of the Bronze Award at the 1st New Bud Prize hosted by Shinhan Bank in 1993 and the Special Award at the Dong-A LG International Festival of Comics, Cartoon, Character Design, and Animation (DIFECA) in 1999, he was a special guest at the 1st Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival (SICAF) held in 1995. His other works include the cartoon collection The Terrorist.